Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Drawing my Dad

Check out my "Colored Pencil Tips" blog to see my drawing of my dad on gessoed masonite. Too much fun! I've included some tips on there for this surface.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Illustration Friday theme: "tension"

Here's my entry into's weekly challenge. The theme is "tension". We've all been there, with that new puppy! Have a good laugh!
Created in colored pencil and pen and ink on Bristol board.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Illustration Friday post, theme "Liquid"

I don't know about you, but coffee is the most precious "liquid" in my life!!! I've created an entire line of these funny ladies all drinking coffee!

Drawn with pen and colored pencil. See all of my lady cards here on one of my other blogs:

Friday, May 10, 2013

Creative Solutions to Global Warming

Here's my submission to the theme this week, "Future". We are really going to need some innovative solutions to the problems of global warming, no idea too small or insignificant. I believe ideas are built in layers, each person hitting off of others ideas, until we come up with solutions.

This was created in Photoshop, hand painted with my brush on my Wacom tablet and partially a collage or related images. Idea on top of ideas.


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