Sunday, January 8, 2012

Art Classes

I will be holding new art classes starting in January. The first one is at Whittier Vo-Tech in Haverhill, MA, starts Monday, January 23rd, from 6-8:30 pm, and is "Learn to Draw" for 8 weeks.

The second one is at Timberlane High School in Plaistow, NH and starts Tuesday, February 7th from 6-8pm, and is "Learn to Draw."

The third one is at Newburyport High School in Newburyport, MA, and starts Wednesday, February 24th, from 6-8 for 5 weeks and is "Colored Pencil Drawing."

I will also be teaching a "Learn to Draw" class at the Seacoast Artists Association in Exeter, NH, starting March 1, for 8 weeks, from 11:30 to 1:15. Also a "Colored Pencil Class", same place, starting March 1 for eight weeks, from 1:30 to 3:15. Hope you can make it to one of these classes. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in more details.

I love to teach! Who knew?


Vicki Holdwick said...

Wish I lived closer to you, Revelle. I'd love to take a class with you.

Nice smiling girl sketch,


Revelle Taillon said...

That's my granddaughter. I sketched all my grandchildren for Christmas gifts for them. Thanks!

Lynn said...

That flamingo is stunning! I, too, wish I lived close enough to take classes from you.

Revelle Taillon said...

I'm working on developing an online course. My granddaughter is a YouTube expert! She's helping me to set it up. May take a while!


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