Thursday, August 20, 2009


Surgery is over and I'm feeling a bit groggy. Thanks for all the well wishes. My brother's graduation is tonight so I'm sure he'll call at some point to let me know how he liked the gift. We have always been very close. I have 4 brothers and a sister so it's a big family! Hope I can get clear eyed enough to do some sketching in the next few days!

Monday, August 17, 2009

My brother's Mike's graduation

My little brother Mike, is graduating from nursing school on Thursday so I made him a gift. It's a collage of old images, and some metal emphera and some ribbon. On the bottom is some sea glass, coral, and some small shells. Here's the full piece and a close up. Hope he likes it!

I'm having rotator cuff surgery tomorrow so I may not be able to make it to the graduation. That's sucks big time!!!!


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