Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Red Tailed Hawk stage 3

More color added! Hard to get the area right between his beak and eye, but it's coming together!!!! I'm happy with it.


  1. OMG, he's just amazing! All the detail around the eye! And the eye itself! I really don't know what to say other than WOOOOOOOW!! <3

  2. I love seeing how the hawk is progresssing! I have hawks that hang about our house, and I love them!

  3. That is so stunning! Have you ever considered drawing an arabian falcon I wonder... they're so beautiful and I can imagine you drawing them.. <3


  4. That is so stunning! Have you ever considered drawing an arabian falcon I wonder... they're so beautiful and I can imagine you drawing them.. <3


  5. I'll have to look them up. Never even heard of them!

  6. I just love it when things are starting to come to life and sometimes I like it "not-quite-done" and leaving some room for imagination... and this I have to say, is my favorite stage!
    Not to say that I don't want to see the finished product though =)
    Beautiful work Revelle!

  7. Coming along nicely! Have to tell you this story though...I was standing out behind our fence (wooden, six foot), watching a small fire burn, when a hawk like this one landed on the fence, about three feet from my head! I just stood very still and tried to notice all the details since I didn't have my camera!

  8. This looks so amazing - all that detail!
    Can't wait for an update.

  9. I just love watching the progress of your spectacular drawings. This one is coming along beautifully! nancy

  10. This is really lovely! Great work xx

  11. I am glad you are happy with it because it looks awesome!
