Monday, September 13, 2010

Red Tailed Hawk stage 4

Slow going on this beast! So many feathers. I may g back to smaller fuller sized birds after this one! LOL!!! Actually I will be doing a barn owl next and then a Loon, both very detailed but I think I will do the entire bird on the same size paper as all of these, 8.5 x 11, so I won't have to draw every single feather! Don't know how Audubon did his!!!!! He was truly a master!


  1. He is coming along nicely. I love the look. They are such awesome little birds of prey. We got to watch one hit and hold a squirrel just outside our window one day. It was awesome but brutal! Love your series of birds!

  2. He is coming along beautifully. You are so patient - all those feathers. I very much enjoy looking at all your work and the cards are awsome!
    I have always been intrigued with Audobon too until I went to the Florida Keys and visited one of homes he stayed in. I never stopped to think about how he achieved such detail. Seems that he and his companions shot flocks of birds and he used some to sketch & paint. I can understand that during that time period, without cameras, it was the thing to do. But, they took down whole flocks, not just one or two birds.
    I will end my soap box tirade now.

  3. Thanks so much for your comment!

    Nature is awesome and is brutal in many ways but we all need to eat what God designed us to eat! I love all birds!

  4. Patsy, certainly seems a bit excessive! One or two birds would have probably been enough. I'm sure they didn't have the technology to pick and choose males and females, but must have gone after them with birdshot which spreads tiny pellets though out the flock. I'd love to be able to handle specimens. I would understand so much more about their anatomy than you can from photos. But photos serve me fine!!!

  5. He's just blooming under your sure hand, Revelle. It's so much fun to watch them come to life right before our very eyes! nancy

  6. Oh wow Revelle! He looks gorgeous! =) And this has to be my favorite stage as I do with most WIP... not quite finished but forms and shapes are already there suggesting the final art, but still leaving room for imagination! Kinda like a book if you ask me...a really good book!

  7. Thanks Shelly!

    Alex, I know what you mean, but I just HAVE to finish him!!! If I were to plan in advance what I would leave unfinished, it would be a snap. I'll have to do one like that!

  8. This is stunning, Revelle. I am a total fan & love all your work!

  9. Did you see the article about one of Audubon's books going to auction at Christie's? I think they expected it to go for 6 or 9 million (sorry, can't remember which!). It was a huge book because the birds were all drawn to scale and he had some cranes and other long legged ones in there!

  10. Thanks everyone!

    Wow! Maybe mine will be worth millions of dollars once I'm dead!!! LOL!!!
