Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Red Tailed Hawk stage 2

Hi everyone! I have started to work on this drawing again, after a really busy summer, doing shows and selling artwork! It's been a pleasure. Now back to what I love, the drawing part!!!

I worked mostly on the very darkest and very lightest areas of his face. I'm liking how reflective his eye looks but it has many more layers to build up as I go. One day I will keep a list of each color I use on one drawing, in order. It would be hard, but I think it could teach me something more about the process that I use, mostly without thinking in advance. I do always start with a light pencil drawing and erase small parts of it as I go and add color to them. Mostly the white areas have no pencil marks because I know they will be white. But drawing on this recycled paper makes the whites pop and they have to be added, not like when I draw on white paper!

Enjoy! I've missed keeping up with everyone and will be checking back in with all my friends on Everyday Matters on a daily basis again!


  1. Boy, am I happy to see you're back! I love what you're doing and hope to see more 'stages'--I see I sort of work a simlar way when I do certain types of work---I LOVE using that color paper..Just terricic work!



  2. Welcome back! I do love to watch your process. The eye does look reflective - amazing.

  3. Nice to see you back! This one is going to be another winner I'm sure.

  4. Very nice to see your posts and read about your technique.
    This eye is perfect, a real eagle eye!
    Congratulations for your solo exhibition and your sales, it is wonderful.
    (Your comment page does not seem to accept my wordpress identity, just the blogger one that I dont use!)

  5. I am glad you are posting again. The hawk looks great.

  6. Welcome back Revelle....the hawk looks great....and I love the halloween cards
    (I've been thinking about you as I was painting a hen (for fun)and greatly admiring you patience and skill)

  7. Yeah, you're back!! We've missed you! I see you haven't lost any skills while you were away!

  8. Oooooooh! I am liking this very much =) It's going to be a major hit I am sure...again Revelle, that's for the little surprise you had installed for me, I really really didn't expect it, and it totally made my day =)
