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Monday, June 7, 2010

Raven Bird stage 2

Working hard on this one! Added lots of blues and purples and some of the blacks. Will probably go back in later and add more highlights here and there. I just love Raven's and Crows. I'm not sure if they are the same exact species, but I always assumed that the smaller ones were Crows and the larger ones were Ravens. Anyone have the details and like to share? Also looking for Ornothologist web sites that might be a good place to sell prints. If you happen upon one, please email me the url! Thanks. Hae a great day. It's gorgeous here, supposed to be sunny and in the 70's all week. Just perfect weather. My summer primrose, stella doro lilies and white daises will all be blooming like crazy this week.


donna said...

WOW--this one may be the best yet. Those colors are looking amazing.

I am fairly certain they are different species.

ovson said...

Looking good! and developing in an interesting way to my eye (with a pen and ink background, very intriguing)

Revelle Taillon said...

Thanks. Ovson, try some colored pencil sometime! Fun, fun, fun!

bettyfromtexas said...

He's a HANDSOME dude! Wonderfully rendered, Revelle!!!

Roadchick said...

I love ravens and crows. . .

According to Dr. Kevin J. McGowan, Cornell University (http://www.birds.cornell.edu/crows/crowfaq.htm#raven):

Crows and ravens, although in the same genus (Corvus) are different birds. (Think of leopards and tigers; both are in the genus Panthera, and are obviously related, but they are quite distinct animals.)

Dan Kent said...

This is radiant!! I am amazed at how it is coming along - just great!

Crows and Ravens are both corvids - they are in the family corvidae. As are, you may be surprised to know, blue jays and other jays.

Cathy Holtom said...

This coming on great, I think it's going to be one of my favourites.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello! Beautiful artwork! You can find out more about Ravens and Crows, including art, at http://www.avesnoir.com/archives/35

Revelle Taillon said...

Thanks for the comments and all the new information! Birds are new to me this year (learning and drawing them I mean!!!) and I'm learning so much. I'll be posting the final piece today!


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