Monday, February 27, 2012

Trees in colored pencil

For a change of pace, I decided to draw some trees in colored pencil. I started out with a sketch on Canson Mi-Tienes drawing paper. Wonderful surface to draw on. The slowly I have been adding color. Threw my back out yesterday so I may not finish this for a few more days. I like the way it's coming along!


  1. I've been watching this and can't wait to see the finish! Gorgeous color! I hope your back feels better soon :-)

  2. Throwing back out is never fun, so I do hope you will feel better soon.
    I like the drawing, it has the feeling of stainglass and Im looking forward to see it when its done.

  3. BEAUTIFUL work!! I hope your back feels better sooooooon!!

  4. The colour almost makes them look like stained glass - beautiful.

  5. I really love how this turns out! It's got so much style =) And really reminds me of a masterpiece stained glass design or some sort.

  6. Hope you feel better soon Revelle

  7. Love the stained glass feeling of this! I hope your back starts feeling better soon.

  8. Oh. My. Yes! Lovely drawing. I hope your back improves quickly.

  9. Beautiful silhouettes of trees, Revelle. The brilliant background colors remind me of a sunset.

  10. oh wow, i thought it was finished until i read your comment. what a wonderful concept.

  11. It's glorious!!! Please get well soon, we want to see the finished product. Of course, I would be happy with the piece, as is!

  12. I know those trees are going to look fabulous! I'm so glad I found your blog again. I don't know how I lost you. I wanted to let you know that the owl giclee that I won in your giveaway is even more beautiful in person. It's fantastic and I love it! Thank you so much.

    Hugs XX

  13. I'm so sorry to hear about your back ... take good care of yourself! The trees are beautiful and will be just stunning when they're finished! nancy
