Friday, February 17, 2012

Artist Drawing Materials Workshop

Artist Drawing Media Workshops
at Seacoast Artists Association
225 Water Street, Exeter, NH 03833
(603) 778-8856  •

Have you wanted to try out different drawing media before you decide to purchase them? Have you hesitated because you weren’t sure you would like it? Here is the perfect opportunity to get your hands on some of the finest artists materials and supports (drawing surfaces) and get your hands dirty before you commit to what you’d like to try out next.

We’ll explore these mediums: Drawing pencils: 8H to 8B, Coptic markers, Staedtler Pigment liner pens, Crowquill pen, Noodlers fountain pen, conte crayons, charcoal: hard, vine & white compressed, oil pastels, hard & soft pastels, colored pencil, Aquaflow brushes for coloring waterproof ink sketches

And these supports: Strathmore Bristol Board (vellum & plate), Canson Mi-Teintes Drawing Papers in various colors, Rising Museum Board (100% cotton), Strathmore Charcoal paper in various colors (100% cotton fiber), Stonehenge Paper (100% cotton fiber). Golden Acrylic Pumice Gel & Golden Acrylic Molding Paste, both used to create a textured surface for pastels, charcoal and conte crayon.

WORKSHOP DATES: Workshop will be held on two different dates: Tuesday, March 6th and April 3rd, 2012, 12:30 to 3:30 pm. Cost is $50.00 plus a $10.00 materials fee for each workshop.
10% of the tuition goes to the Seacoast Artist Association Scholarship Fund.

For more information and to hold a spot: email Revelle at

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