Friday, May 27, 2011

getting over my operation, ah, that's operations!

Went in to get my gallbladder out and they decided my appendix had to come out also. So I've been very sore and mopping around the house all week. Beginning to feel a bit better today. By tomorrow I should be up and around, though very slowly! 4 to 6 weeks recovery for an appendix. Oi! Well, it's warmed up anyway, from 48 to 88 degrees in a week, just as New England likes to do. All the flowers are blooming and I need to get my dahlias in the ground! I'll have to get my hubbie to help me out. Not supposed to do any lifting, etc. for a while still. I miss doing my art. But I've really been out of it. Maybe tomorrow! My Dad is coming to visit in June so I'll keep him busy sanding me some frames. He loves to keep busy, at almost 93! Hope I'm that spry at his age!


  1. Hope you heal fast and with no problems! Do not do the lifting! My husband thought he could get away with it after not lifting for one week (after a bypass surgery) but he paid for it by breaking a wire and taking even longer than normal to heal.

  2. Thats a lot all at once (big surgery), but its good to see that you are feeling better and are on the right path of recovery. And its nice that it is getting warmer so you can relax out side : ) All the best to you and happy spring.

  3. It's so hard to keep still!! Thanks for the good advice.

  4. I hope you feel better Revelle. I just had to explain what gallbladder is to my wife a few days ago, and why stones form there and cause all kinds of discomfort.
    Thanks for the suggestion on making time for art. I'll always keep that in mind. I work kinda slow though, so I might need around 3-4 hours to complete something =) it's a long doctor's appointment then!
