Saturday, May 21, 2011

Been so busy

I've been soooo busy. Held my colored pencil workshop and was so busy having fun, didn't even shoot any photos! Sorry. We were spread out over 3 tables and all the students were great. They asked me to teach a weekly class right after summer.

Then went to the opening at the Brush Gallery and met some wonderful fellow artists. Had a great time. It was an awesome show.

Now I am updating my bird prints in my shops to include the scientific latin names, the person who classified and named the species and the date that was done. I'm hoping that will appeal to people more. Here's one example, but you can see more on my Etsy site:

It's been raining here for about a week, but today the sun finally came out! What a relief! Hope you are all enjoying the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. That does not sound like fun. Hope you are fully recovered. Glad you like the owl. Can hardly wait to get back to the drawing board.
