Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Christmas card chosen as one of the Top Editor picks!

Check out the link here:

This is Kate Harpers blog and I'm thrilled to be included. Everyone that knows me on EDM, (Every Day Matters, a collective of artists who draw, paint or sketch every day), would you be so kind as to leave a comment on her blog about my card?? I'd love to get some greeting card deals going with some of her publishers!!! Thanks so much.

It's because of EDM that I even got to here. I've only been blogging back and forth with you guys for under a year, learned to draw birds (LOL!), now I have my art giclees in 4 stores (going on 6!) and it's all because of the inspiration I received here. You are all so talented and great. You keep me motivated. Keep drawing and painting every day!

Hope everyone is having an awesome Holiday Season so far. Time to make the donuts!! Er, make the cards!!!! LOL


  1. Congratulations—that is so cool. Cute card.

  2. Oh...congrats!!! You've really taken off with your art. You've made us proud!!

  3. This is so cute, retro and totally hilarious! Love the design and your creativity is amazing!

    Kate (edm newby, and not often posting yet)

  4. this is so incredibly cute, vintage and hilarious. What a wonderful creative brilliance you've got!

    Kate (edm newby and seldom poster)

  5. Fabulous Revelle! Congratulations ~ (Your card was my favorite anyhow) ;-)


  6. Congrats on your BIG news Revelle!!

  7. Your enitre line is so imaginative!--You go, girl!

  8. Congratulations! It's so cute and clever at the same time and no wonder it's chosen as one of the best =)

  9. It has been since the day I met you, that I believed that the world needed to see your work. I rejoice with you now and celebrate this moment in time in your life. You are gifted and what you create is brilliant. I am so thrilled for the others who are now discovering your art. I Love everything you do!

    PS Mazel-Tov on being picked!

  10. Congratulations!! What an honor.. I checked out all of the cards and I think yours stands out the most in the category it was being judged for. Very modern, and edgy. It is so awesome to see you following your lifelong dream... KEEP DRAWING!!!
