Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Full Raven card


  1. I'm afraid I don't come to your blog often because your page takes so long to load...could be my mac acting snobby towards blogger :) I usually checkout your flickr but I'm glad I maintained my patience to look at your raven!

  2. It could be your computer. Mine loads very quickly. I keep my images under 100K so they are small gifs and will load fast. Time for an upgrade to an Apple Computer! Thanks for your nice comment. You can look at all my images on my Etsy shop which loads fast also.

  3. Beautiful card. Great detailed and delicate work on the raven's feathers - and I love the colors and graphic choices you made.

  4. The best Christmas card I've seen this year, it really works!

  5. Love it, your work is really wonderful and I always enjoy seeing it... Have not been around much, finally cathing up and so glad I found my way back here... need to see what else you been up too.

  6. Fabulous idea and I'm so glad you're getting sales out of them! Now, if I'd only get off my tush and have a go!!

  7. I just love your cards. I like the writing you use in the background and the little embellishments like the stamps. Things you wouldn't normally find in a card. Almost collage-like. But, the artwork is always the main attraction. Awesome talent.
