Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Raven, finally!

Yeah! Blogger is finally letting me upload my Raven. I really love this one. I may have to buy a nice old curlicue black frame, something Victorian, and hang in in the living room. And make one for my daughter who just loves Halloween! All of you with Goth teenagers, hint, hint, they'd love a print of this one!!! LOL!


  1. He's beautiful! And you've got that right, whenever I painted a crow or raven and offered it on eBay it sold almost immediately!

  2. The detail and colouring are terrific, Revelle!

  3. He's a beaut!! Yay for you, Revelle!!!

  4. Oh yeah, I am totally in love with this one, the stance and the motion =)

  5. So beautiful even for a raven. I love this one Revelle.

  6. It is amazing how luminous this is! Wonderful!!

  7. This is simply beautiful! He's gorgeous with all that color relecting off his feathers. Wow. All your birds are terrific though! I like each one as you get it done.

  8. LOOOOVE the raven -
    (of course raven and i, being magpie, are closely related...)

    i've been clicking around your birds - one to the other to the next...delightful aviary you have here!

  9. Thanks Magpie!!! Glad to see you here!
