Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Blue Jay Greeting card

I'm fooling around with some fun ideas for my bird greeting cards and would love some feedback. What do you think? This is the first one I've done. I'll be putting it on Etsy to see if anyone reacts to it!


  1. I really like it but I wonder if you could make all the background images just a tad lighter. They compete so much with your wonderful bird. He should get to be the star.

  2. Beautiful! Wow, how did you do the background like that? Is that more of your fabulous drawing skills at work?

  3. Thanks for the compliment on the hermit crab drawing Ravelle. Unfortunately I don't really have the plan to have that printed yet...even the Breaux Bridge card is still not printed yet. My local print shop really is taking some time to do that... so I am not sure. But I'll let you and everyone know if anything at all gets printed. But I'd love to trade with you believe me, it's just that I've got nothing to trade for yet.

  4. I make alot of cards (rubber stamped not drawn) and I think it is beautiful!!
    Although I'm not sure I'd want to make 10 of them (card swap).
    EDM Group Member
