Monday, June 27, 2011

Tiger graphite drawing

I did this drawing a while ago and have been meaning to add giclees of him to my Etsy shop. You can see them here:

In honor of this momentous occasion, I am giving away a free 8x10 inch giclee to anyone who leaves a comment here on my posting of this tiger. So post before July 13th, and I will select one lucky winner! You've all been so supportive while I've been getting back on my feet. Hope you win! He comes printed on Moab Lasal Gloss paper printed in archival inks. Have a great day!


  1. I would LOVE to have one of your giclees, Revelle! This is gorgeous...and makes me nostalgic! I had completely forgotten how much I loved tigers when I was a young girl.

  2. I know exactly where I could place this .. and hope I am lucky enough to win!

  3. Wow, he's amazing! Since I wasn't lucky enough to spot a tiger in India, I'd definitely enjoy finding this beauty in my mailbox ;D

    (Always) Looking forward to seeing more of your fantastic animal portraits! <3

  4. Revelle,

    I came over several hours ago, but there were no comments. I don't know why but I didn't think #1 would be lucky.

    I love your art and would love one of your giclees!

    Wishing for 4 being the lucky number.


  5. Love the big cats (and the little ones too!) I have a place for this beauty.

  6. Your tigers are so real. Love the drawing - those lines. Great work - if only? I will keep practicing.

  7. Beautiful tiger - I woud love one of these!
    Don't be pushing yourself; take it easy for a while!

  8. The tiger is amazing! It reminds me of 2 things... first is the guy who specialized in fur drawings at and 2nd is my late grand uncle who's a famous for drawing tigers. =)
    Hope you get well soon Revelle.

  9. Thank you so much for the nice comments! Alex, let's see some of your uncles work! The website you directed me to has some awesome work! I want to work bigger now!!!

  10. Sweetcheeks said: I am thrilled to think that I could win one of your drawings. Your art is extraordinary and beautiful

    Sweetcheeks, I accidentlly hit delete instead of Publish while looking at this on my phone so I'm adding your comment here myself so you'll be in the running for the giclee!

  11. He's beautiful! And your detail is exquisite. This is great work, and I'd be super honored to own it.

  12. This tiger would look really good on my wall, I've got my fingers crossed!
    Glad to hear you're feeling better :)

  13. Wow, he is gorgeous. Me! Me! Me! (waving frantically)

  14. Your tiger is just stunning. Oh the joy to have your vision.

  15. So strong and so detailed. Love the tiger.

  16. I'm not sure if the Joan posted June 27, 2011 is me, if it is, eliminate this one.
    Joan C, NV

  17. What you do with pencil and paint is amazing. Love you stuff.

  18. This handsome boy would look lovely in my studio! I hope you continue to get better. Take care of yourself! nancy

  19. It's amazing what you can do with a pencil. Wow! I am very impressed.

  20. What a beautiful drawing. I love all big cats and tigers are no exception.

  21. Beachcat won the drawing! Please send me a mailing address so I can mail you the tiger giclee. Enjoy! Thanks you everyone who participated!!!
