Monday, April 4, 2011

Rooster gets blue

Had another fun Saturday adding some blue feathers to my little friend here. I'll let that dry a bit and then add more detail in the blue feathers so you can tell the lighter colored feathers sit on top. then for the background. I usually leave that for last. This one I'll be using for some decorative images, as well as selling the original and prints, so I may scan it in after the feathers are done and before I add the background. Much less to delete in Photoshop! I'll let the white help me timewise.

I never really thought I'd be painting a rooster! It's surprising even me. Enjoy! I may have to do more.


  1. Oh, he looks spectacular! I love the blue and orange. nancy

  2. This is amazing. DEFINITELY do more roosters. His eye looks so alive. You just keep getting better and better.

  3. Wow... I never expected that! What a refreshing color on a rooster, perfect combination Revelle!

  4. Alex, lots of the roosters have this royal blue or emerald green on their chest and tails. I was quite amazed myself!

  5. Lovely Revelle, a very handsome rooster

  6. He's beautiful, love the vibrant colours.

  7. Your blue rooster is fabulous! This is my favorite color combo. :)

  8. He gets more and more beautiful every day.

  9. He is fantastic! I thought you usually did your birds in colored pencil...? What media are you using for this one?

  10. Janene, this one is in oil paint. I needed a break from the pencils for a while. Glad you like him! Oils are so much fun! But messy to keep set up. I'm turning a second room into another studio so I can do that. My other studio is full if computers and printers etc.

  11. oh wow! that blue looks fabulous, great choice!

  12. What a beautiful drawing of a handsome guy!!! Love him!
