Saturday, March 19, 2011

5 Sheep

After I penciled in the five sheep on the gessoed boards, I added one color and lots of medium. I ended up with these three, looking very orangey/gray. I had to wait for this coat to dry and today I started adding more ayers. I'll post those next.


  1. My favorite is the lower right one----this must be so rewarding for you--to see what you can do so very well !

  2. Great sheep Revelle, makes me miss living in a land with no fields of sheep!

  3. Winna you are so kind. Stay tuned in. I'm going to do a give away of a print of whichever you choose once they are all finished and dry!

  4. Gorgeous lineup! =) Baaaaaaa... ^^

  5. Sis boom baaaa! These are terrific!!!
