Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gonna do some oil painting today

Need a change of pace so I believe I will do some oil painting for a few weeks. Here's a rough sketch I did on masonite I painted with gesso. I love making a lot of these small 8 x 10 panels, get them all ready, and I can grab one when the mood strikes.


  1. neat expression in the eyes..I know how you feel and it always gets better...

  2. Got love those eyes! I can't wait to see more. I have the February blues too. Come on spring!

  3. Oooooh.... can't wait either =) And I love those eyes as well, almost like they are waiting for something...patiently ^^

  4. Looks like this will be another winner! I love his earnest eyes.

  5. What a lovely expression, are you going to paint him?
    Put some good music on and paint, paint, paint...get's rid of the blues!

  6. You too? Hate the doldrums! Lovely sketch and really can't wait to see what you do with the oils!

  7. Very cute dog! It's nice to know I'm not alone in the doldrums .... maybe we should have a party since there's so many of us here! nancy
