Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's almost spring!

Well, we are supposed to get 5-7 more inches of snow tomorrow, but I am ever the optimist! January is more than half over so it must be getting close to spring. I was told to go out and get some more sunshine to up my vitamin D. So once I bundled up in 3 shirts, a sweatshirt, 2 scarves, my winter coat, and my big black wool cap, the only thing showing was my nose! I went for the walk, but didn't get much D!!!

So my thoughts naturally turn toward the robin's returning. so I've started a little baby robin, fresh out of the nest and we'll see where that takes us.


  1. Yay for springtime feelings! I just love your bird drawings! Looking forward already to seeing this in full color! <3

  2. Oh, Revelle,

    This is so sweet!

    I am definitely thinking Spring.


  3. This little guy will be spectacular !

  4. Your little robin is darling! You have more snow, but I love your optimism that spring is upon us. BTW, I get my Vit. D (here in the mitten) from a jar! Once a day. Does the trick. lol nancy

  5. Oh boy, this is going to be another spectacular one! I can't wait ^^

  6. the little robin is lovely. I look forward to his progress (on paper). I hope the rays of sunshine come through to you soon

  7. You won't get much vit D just from your nose! Your robin is going to be fantastic.
