Thursday, January 13, 2011

I changed it to "Cudleigh"

I don't want anyone to pronounce the "h" in "Chudleigh" so I'm changing it to something that always rhymes with "cud-ly"! This bad boy is all done and now I'm not sure what to draw next. He was just so cute that he'll be hard to match. Time to start going through my reference material and see what comes up. I still need to draw my little Cleopatra, just have to find the perfect photo of her.

We have 2 feet of snow on the ground and of course that make for 5 foot snow banks all around the place. Please be careful…especially if you see me pulling out of my driveway!

Hmmm, maybe a Boston Terrier or a Black Lab pup? Suggestions?


  1. AWWWW!! He is adorable. At least someone looks good in wrinkles. We had about the same amount of snow here in Barrington - lots of fun for the little kids in the neighborhood.
    I have some cute photos of our bunny "Thomas" that are giving me the itch to paint. I would be willing to share if you are interested.

  2. Who could resist that adorable face no matter what the name. I love "Cudleigh Chudleigh"!

    Have you ever done a Scottish Terrier puppy? I'm about to adopt a new one -- they are quite cartoonish until they grow into the size of their heads.
