Monday, January 17, 2011

The Art of Icon Painting

If anyone is interested, this class is gong to be held in Exeter NH.

The Art of Icon Painting
A 4-session Hands-on Workshop with Marina Forbes on Saturdays: January 22, 27 and February 5 and 19, 2011 from 10:30am to 1:30pm at the SAA Gallery in Exeter.

EXETER - The Art of Icon Painting workshop is offered for adults and high school students at the Seacoast Artist Association Gallery (225 Water Street in Exeter, NH) on Saturdays: January 22, 27 and February 5 and 19, 2011 from 10:30am to 1:30pm. The 4-session hands-on workshop for students interested in learning traditional Russian icons, one of the world's oldest and most respected forms of religious art, will feature individual attention and step-by-step instruction from renowned Russian artist, Marina Forbes. The program will include a detailed discussion and demonstration of traditional materials and methods of icon making. Then, under the direction of the instructor, students will create their own icons using a combination of traditional and contemporary materials and methods. Students will learn about board and painting surface preparation, gesso application, image rendering, pigments, brush stroke techniques, detailing, highlighting, gilding, Old Slavonic lettering, and varnishing.
For more information or to register please contact Marina Forbes directly at (603) 332-2255, by e-mail at or visit her website

Good place to shop for the art materials is the Utrecht Art store - - 1-800-223-9132

ART MATERIALS to be brought to the first class

8 x 10 Cradled Gessoed board or Claybord

Acrylic paints

Titanium white
Ivory black
Cadmium yellow
Yellow ochre
Cadmium orange
Cadmium red
Cadmium red extra scarlet
Alizarin crimson
Burnt sienna
Burnt umber
Raw sienna
Raw umber

A box of Kleenex and paper towels
2 containers for water
several pencils
script brushes (size 1or 2 and 6)
round watercolor brush #8
3/4 inch soft flat brush
a plastic transparent egg container (carton)

The following items can be purchased from the instructor:
8 x 10 (Cradled) Claybord
23K gold leaf
Please let me know if you have any questions.


  1. I taught myself to paint one of these years ago in Acrylics---and another student of mine went to learn how as you will's so interesting--I'll show you my work if you'd like...I know you'll so sooooo well-----winna

  2. Winna I'm sure we would all love to see your work! Post it!

  3. You are fortunate that something like this is being offered in your area.
