Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ross's Gull finished

Well, I entered this piece in an art exhibit in Exeter NH, for this weekend and next, so I had to finish him, ever though it's been roasting hot in New England this week. Hope you like him! And if you are in Exeter this weekend, check him out at the old town hall across from the bandstand at the Seacoast Artist Association Art show.

Also just dropped off some birds to the Plaistow Public Library for the July show. The librarian told me they didn't have a Plaistow artist lined up for August, so I said I would be glad to show for the month. She'll let me know tomorrow. Psyched!


  1. Awesome!! I love all the details and colors. I am going to have to get to the Plaistow Library to see your art. Yup, it is sure hot here in NH.

  2. This is beautiful, Revelle. Good luck with the exhibition!

  3. It is beautiful!! And how many things are coming together for you!

    As for drawing in front of the tv...I do this all the time! It's like, you still want to be part of the family, even if you don't really want to do what they're doing! What I did was cut a piece of nice plywood, 14" X 18"x 3/8", and sanded off sharp corners. I prop it on my lap as I work in the living room. It also comes in handy sitting in front of the computer, sketching. I prop it on the edge of my desk and hold it in my lap. That way I don't have to turn to my work surfaces if I'm copying a picture on my monitor. It works really great for me, though I'm not sure how big you want to work!

  4. What a wonderful, beautiful, bird. I don't know how you do it, but it's gorgeous! nancy
