Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Red Tailed Hawk pencil stage

Been too tired to draw much, work has been so busy. But when you do freelance work, you have to take it when you can get it. Then you have slow periods. So, it's been a while since I've posted. I started this Red Tailed Hawk portrait, and here's the fist stage. It's a close-up so there will be lots of detail to work on. Hope you enjoy him!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ross's Gull finished

Well, I entered this piece in an art exhibit in Exeter NH, for this weekend and next, so I had to finish him, ever though it's been roasting hot in New England this week. Hope you like him! And if you are in Exeter this weekend, check him out at the old town hall across from the bandstand at the Seacoast Artist Association Art show.

Also just dropped off some birds to the Plaistow Public Library for the July show. The librarian told me they didn't have a Plaistow artist lined up for August, so I said I would be glad to show for the month. She'll let me know tomorrow. Psyched!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ross's Gull larger!!!

I redrew this guy at twice the size to get all those feathers in. I have new admiration for God and His ability to baffle the bird artist with so much perfection and design! Wow. I'm really impressed! Wait until you see the nice variety of gray and black against the white. It makes a big "M" on his back for "Miraculous"!!!