Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sea Gull Stage 2 or F_ck BP!!!!!

This sea gull had the hardest mouth to draw and I'm still not finished with it. It needs to be darker. I just ordered some new really dark red reds from Prismacolor and will have to go over the inside of the mouth again. I hope he looks like he is saying "F_ck BP!"

The feathers need more layers of color and I need to look at some more reference for the tail feathers. Actually I think they are the tips of his wings (they need to be black) as I think the tail feathers are white. Research! The 2 photos I was using for reference were blocked by other seagulls!


  1. Great really does look as though he's shouting

  2. He looks really cross!
    Great drawing,great pose!

  3. He's coming along really well! Congratulations on your sales. That's fantastic!

  4. He's fantastic! And yes, he looks very angry. Perfect.

  5. Your process is so interesting - I admire your patience. I was trying to do a pelican for ripple - and today I had no patience for detail. I'm still going to play with it --see how it comes out. Then I'll probably do another. This seagull is coming out great! All the sales are no surprise to me.

  6. Hmmm...I know I commented on here!!?? or am I losing my mind? (That wouldn't surprise me a bit!) This is beautiful, Revelle!

    I just wanted to stop in and give a big congratulations to you! Things really seem to be moving forward! That is so exciting, so many prints starting to go out into the world!
