Friday, May 21, 2010

White Dove Bird stage 2

Well I tried different ways of doing this, white over gray and gray over white, etc., and ended up using both methods! Isn't that always the way! I must admit I may have been able to finish drawing him, except for the season finale of 2 of my favorite shows. And Sunday is my birthday so my husband and I will be cleaning the yard and the house before all the guests arrive, so I don't know how much I'll get done this weekend. The weather is perfect and I feel like going outside and just weeding in the garden all day, but I have a brochure to design for a client! Off to work!


  1. Looks like a great start. Have a fantastic weekend...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  2. He's coming along great!
    I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!
    And congrats on your upcoming show!!!

  3. I think how your doing it is fine, I would use the white first too.
    Happy Birthday for Sunday..Auguri!

  4. Which shows? I have been sidetracked all week with season finales :/
    Happy Birthday for Sunday!!

  5. Thanks for all the encouragement! I'm going to be in the Exeter Hospital Art Show in Exeter NH and I submitted a CD with my photo stuff for a Newburyport MA show! I'm hoping I will get to show both sides of my interests!

  6. I am loving your birds! It is so interesting to me to see the stages too. If you want to, email me at and I will send you an invite to become a coauthor of 100king to Improve. Then you can post your birds there as well. Just a thought. Can't wait to see the final dove!!

  7. Happy Sunday birthday! The dove is coming along beautifully! I'm so happy for you with your upcoming show, and wish you luck in the MA show (to quote my deceased father in law, if they don't accept your work, they have the taste of a dog!). lol nancy

  8. I'm doing my Happy Dance for you!! Congratulations on the show! Makes for a great birthday present!

  9. It's beautiful already!
    Happy birhtday to you, and congratulations for your first show!
    This is great! (and deserved : ) !)
    Thank you for your inspiring post on the edm group, so full of energy it made me smile!

  10. Congratulations with the show!! =) I am sure you'll make a huge impact there at the hospital and sales you said? I think you better start working on drawing more birds because they are all gonna be selling like hot cakes ^^

  11. This is coming along beautifully! So exciting everything that is happening with you - what a great idea with the hospital show! Good luck! Happy birthday!

  12. Thank you all! I feel like I've won the lottery!
