Monday, May 10, 2010

Went to Art Walk in Portland, Maine

Had a great time. Didn't get to show my portfolio to anyone, but learned some important things. Most Galleries line up their shows one year in advance! I don't know what I was thinking! Maybe 3 or 4 months in advance? Not so. Important lesson. So if I get someone who likes my work to hang a show, expect them to plan it months in advance. No more worries about last minute shows and how am I going to pay to frame all of these before the show! I'm joining 3 art associations right off the bat to be able to put pieces into their shows (usually not planned out as far in advance!) in my driving area. Portland is about an hour and a half away. Also starting a mailing list of nearby galleries to do a regular postcard mailings until I get some nibbles.

Also got some great shots of a red winged blackbird while I was in Portland and my sister-in-law saw some cedar waxwings! Darn I wasn't with her and didn't have the camera ready. Next time! Also got more shots of a woodpecker and some squirrels and chickadees I will be using in upcoming drawings. And my daughter told me the geese just had gooslings in a pond near her house, so I may drive over their this afternoon or tomorrow and get some shots before they get too big!

Got my first check from my brother who sold 3 of my bird prints in his store! That's a great feeling!

Now back to work and my bluebird! I've got a lot to do!


  1. Sounds like there is an awful lot to learn! Yay, for your brother to have sold some of your prints.

  2. Drat! I missed the Portland Art Walk. My daughter went to her boy friend's Junior Prom Saturday, so that was my main focus.
    Sounds like you are getting all your ducks in a row. :) I wish you luck.
    As soon as I catch up from the weekend, I will be sending some bunny pics to you.

  3. Looking forward to seeing the bunnies!!!!!!
