Monday, May 17, 2010

Step 5

Finally back to a scanner image instead of the phone photos!

In this step I have started to add the stripes on this gorgeous birds feathers! I just love the design! I wish I had some of these guys in my backyard! I have more stripes to add and then I'll start working on his head. It's very dark blue almost black so it might take a while to get it to look right and have some dimension. I'll probably work with all dark blues and highlight with some cool light grays and white to make it pop, and some black pen and ink to the very darkest of the areas.

Then I'll go back to the cape and darken some more areas there. Then add some more layers of color to the striped feathers to create more depth and shadow.

Then on to the feet and branch which I always leave for last!


  1. Its so neat to see how it comes all together step by step, looks really beautiful.

  2. Fascinating to see your process-thanks for sharing. The bird is coming along beautifully!

  3. Thanks for sharing your process- I agree - he's a beautiful little bird!

  4. Wow, thank you for sharing all the steps in your work! I haven't tried colored pencil before, I'm not sure I have the patience, but you really have it figured out. I am so impressed by your birds!

  5. Your step-by-step guide surely make it simple to follow, and it's so generous for you to share your technique with others who want to learn your methods ^^ Your followers must be pleased! AND you're ahead of the Gadgets too... iPhone? Wow! But I head that they don't do well under dimmed lighting though.
    Anyway Revelle, with regard to the postcard printing, that's about the same price I got from the online quote as well. Still no news from my local printer, I'll visit them within this week and see how they work for me. If they are not printing my work, I'll get it printed online ;)
