Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My wall at my brother's furniture store!

My brother has a display of my giclees in his store and I just love to look at this!l I have sold some prints since he opened and need to send him some more. I am amazed that they look so good in the orange frames. He told me they have also tried them in black, white, cream, green and blue frames and they look good in all of them! It must be the neutral tan background on them. And they are very colorful creatures! I've got to get down there some time this year. He's in South Carolina if anyone lives there!


  1. What a vibrant display. Hope that they all sell.

  2. Oh my gosh! These look fabulous! Especially grouped together like this! If I were to walk into his store (and had money..LOL) I would buy the entire grouping!

  3. This is the coolest display, and what a nice brother for promoting you.
