Thursday, May 13, 2010

Eastern Blue Bird finished!

Well I added a background and I really like the green beside the blue and orange. Drawing the piece of wood beneath him was a bit of a struggle but I like how it turned out. Looks just like my porch railing!

Birds are going crazy at my feeder. I also took a ride to see the gooslings and got some great pictures. I saw one group of 12 babies in the lake with mom and dad! I don't know if they were babysitting or the if something happened to the original mom, or if they just had 12 babies! I'm used to seeing between 3 and 6 babies most of the time. It would be awesome to draw the entire group. I'd need a really large piece of paper to start! I may do a small group of the babies first!

And I sent my husband to get some photos of a robin's babies in his daughters lilac tree, but they are soooo ugly at this stage. I may have to send him back in a few days when they have some feathers! And Mary directed me to her blog for some shots of some baby bluebirds! Again, so ugly they are cute!!!!


  1. He's just beautiful, Revelle, and you did a great job on that wood strip!

  2. Beautiful, I love the blue against the neutral back ground, lovely.

    I just looked more in your blog, and there is so much to see. I see you have a same love for tulips like my self : )

  3. He's just gorgeous! And, your prints look beautiful in your brother's store - I'm sure you'll sell many of them. They're so wonderful!! nancy

  4. What a beauty! I really adore your work, every single piece (I guess you probably know by now)! And they get better and EVEN better!
    Have you done a kingfisher already? They've always been among my favorites since I saw one on a sticker as a kid. :)

  5. Wow, another amazing bird. I haven't stop by lately, you have really been busy!

  6. Wow, another amazing bird. I haven't stop by lately, you have really been busy!

  7. I haven't done a kingfisher. I'll have to look them up! I want to do at least 100 birds this year, so I may squeeze one in! I keep getting suggestions of people's favorites! I just make a decision based on...really nothing! I was only thinking of doing a stellers jay because I had all my blue pencils out and ready! LOL!! But I just got some nice pictures of Canada Geese babies so.......hmm???

  8. Your bluebird is beautiful. The color is stunning and the bird seems poised to fly off the page!

  9. Excellent! I love the reflected blue in his eyes! And I have to say it again, that grouping in your brother's furniture store...I crave it! But it has to be all of them. Together. Like that! Beautiful!

  10. This is lovely, you have captured some great colours.

  11. Really beautiful! Every detail of the composition is great.

  12. I see you went with shortening the tail just a tad (or row of feathers). He looks wonderful.
