Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Robin rough

I started on this rough of a robin last night, but of course, got sidetracked again by "Lost". Too bad it's the last season! Really love the characters and the screwed up story line! Are robins a little more red or more orangey? The ones I seem to see are a bit palish reddish orange????


  1. I'll go with orangey! The one I saw in regents park a couople of weeks ago definitely was. This is gorgeous as always with your birds - wish I had your skill - just lovely.

  2. Seems like our robins are more toward the redder side. Maybe its just me. Doesn't matter, yours is great even unfinished.

  3. My favourite birds! I wonder if the breast colour varies according to the season or the location? Anyway, I can see this one is going to be wonderful when it is finished.
