Friday, March 5, 2010

Goldfinch sketch

Worked on a friend's logo last night but managed to start a sketch of a Goldfinch.

They are all changing colors around my birdfeeder from a soft brown to a yellower head and by summer they will be brilliant yellow. Here's the pencil sketch. I will be going to pen next and then colored pencil. I had to darken the image because the pencil is so light and will end up being erased in the end when I go over parts of it with pen and ink, and parts will just get colored pencil. I hope to finish him this weekend. We're supposed to get to 53 degrees so I hope to do some raking so my garden doesn't look so messy. Waiting on those bulbs!!!


  1. I just know this one will be as wonderful as all the others! I didn't know they changed colors in the winter! I've been wondering what happened to all our yellow birds - that explains it. Thank you so much! nancy

  2. Lovely beginning! And an interesting fact! I had no idea birds would change colors with the season. I assumed some were just male and some female!

  3. Good luck finishing it. It's looking fantastic so far and I truly can't wait to see the end result ^^

  4. This is an excellent beginning. I really enjoy seeing your bird drawings. Thanks for sharing them.
