Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Recipe for Pecan Pie

Pre heat oven to 350 degrees

Put pie crust (I always buy premade!) into pie pan
1 1/2 cups of pecans
3/4 cup Karo- half light and half dark (this is one of the secrets!)
1 cup sugar
1 stick of butter (this is another secret, yes, a whole stick!)
1 tsp. of vanilla
3 eggs

Pour Karo and sugar into a pan and heat until bubbly and sugar melts (a few minutes). Take off of burner and add stick of butter to hot liquid and stir until melted. Add vanilla. In separate bowl, beat three eggs with electric eggbeater for about a minute. Put the egg beater into the hot liquid on low and very slowly, add the eggs while beating to make sure you don't make scrambled eggs out of it! Just follow the slow flow of egg liquid with the beaters in slow circles.

Put pecans at the bottom of the pie crust. Pour the hot liquid into the piecrust. The pecans will float to the top while it cooks. Cook at 350 for about an hour. If crust starts to brown to quickly, cover the edges with aluminum foil. This is fast, easy and about 1000 calories per piece once you add you whipped cream or vanilla ice cream! Don't share with anyone or you will be asked to bring this pie to every get together you ever go to! Enjoy!

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