Friday, November 7, 2008

Veterans Day in US

Thank you to all the veterans of all the wars that have helped protect the US during wartime, especially my Dad, Frank Taillon, who was shot in GuadalCanal during WW II and who received a purple heart. Don't forget to say thank you to your loved ones!


  1. November 11th is big for me in two ways. Most of my family including husband, son, sister, mother, father and sooo many more are veterans and my daughter was born on this day. She always thought it worked out well that she got her birthday off from school each year!

  2. I forgot to tell you this is a great collage too!

  3. Thank your dad for his service, from a grateful citizen and current mom of a Marine. What a nice tribute!

  4. Extremely talanted with your collage in design and color---Semper Fi !

  5. A wonderful and touching post...and what a terrific collage! Absolutely Brilliant! :)
