Well, I started some Piping Plovers (sea birds that are on the endangered list) but the baby birds are the ugliest things that i've ever seen. I may or may not list it here, because you'll think the baby looks odd (and they ARE odd looking creatures!) but I might. I also have a robin and a mourning dove on my calendar to do in the next week. I'd also like to do a rabbit, squirrel and chipmunk, all the soft fuzzy creatures! So much to do, so little time.
I wanted to add a few words about what Danny Gregory is going through with the loss of his loved one. I lost my son 8 years ago in a motorcycle accident and I know what Danny is going through. You feel like the bottom of you heart has fallen out, your spirit crushed, and feel like you are on a roller coaster, one day okay, not great, but bearable, and the next few, you're rolled up in a ball of tears curled up in bed and lost.
It's been 8 years for me, since Kristian left this world, but I feel he's in a better place, and he's looking down on me and smiling and waiting. It won't be long, I keep telling him. Life is so fleeting and unpredictable and most of all, short. So make the most of every day, as Danny has shown us, with our art, and don't be cheap with hugs, or anything else you can share. Make some art, share some art, buy some art, support each other, volunteer to donate some art. We are very lucky to have this connection and this outlet for our sorrows and our joys.
I hope you all have something to celebrate today. My grandaughter will be turning 1 in April and I'm designing an invitation to her birthday party. I'm celebrating that today. I hope soon, Danny will find a way to smile on more days than not. I had to keep repeating to myself "All is well" when I thought my body would turn inside out in pain, and that small prayer helped keep me sane. I have him in my prayers.