Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I just sold my first print of this to a local framer. If it sells, she said she'd buy more of my prints. I'm so psyched!

For those of you who have been waiting to see more of my birds, I'm still waiting for my colored pencils to be delivered. They were all backordered at Dick Blick, probably because of the big sale. In the meantime I have drawn 5 or 6 in pen and ink, but I'm not sure I'll scan them in until I color them. Double the work! But I still want to do 100 birds in a year!

Monday, January 18, 2010


I figured out I had a bad Cyan ink in my printer and my prints were coming out really awful. I cleaned the heads first, then went and got a new Cyan ink. All fixed, thank God!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Canadian Warbler

This bird was is a very different position and I hope he doesn't look odd! LOL! He was fun to draw. I must find the rest of my Prismacolors because I am drawing the colors with a very limited palette (could only find one yellow!). I know I have another set somewhere! Might be time to buy a new set! Enjoy! I think one of my New years resolutions will be to draw 100 birds this year! This is so much fun!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

White throated sparrow

I drew this first with pen and ink and then went into it with colored pencils. Hope you enjoy it! I think it's a white throated sparrow. Correct me if I'm wrong! I'm really getting into drawing birds lately.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Coffee Cup

After I drew the bananas, I saw the bright darks and lights of my coffee cup, so I decided to draw that too. I've been using this sharpie for the white, It's supposed to be oil based I think and the results are kind of so-so on this dark paper.


Cleopatra Moving

Couldn't get her to stay still for too long!


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